27 October 2019

CLEAN MOVES EXPO - Efficient Mobility Trade Forum

Under the patronship of Vice Chancellor and former Environment and Energy Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, the HALO ENERGY initiated CLEAN MOVES EXPO: A global race for energy efficient mobility technology is on. In a time of fierce competition, CLEAN MOVES was a bridgehead for renewable mobility, a forum for open exchange. 

We spearheaded campaigns to end the fossil fuel exploitation of Lusatia. With the German Vice Chancellor and former Environment Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, as conference patron we founded and organised the "CLEAN MOVES" trade forum at Hanover Fair. 

A race for fuel efficient technology is on. In a time of fierce competition, we initiated the first bridgehead and independent trade hub for efficient mobility solutions. Not surprisingly, it was the German car manufacturing lobby, namely their public affairs arm VDA, that stepped on the brakes. 

FIRST MOVER HALO - A savvy market analyst, Kim Keats Martinez, recently quoted the "golden years of Halo Energy". I founded Halo in spring 2002 with an inaugurating event at the Foreign Press Association in London. The first CleanTech-PR consultancy in the United Kingdom! Today other renewable companies in the US, in Australia, Singapore, Ireland and the UK operate with a similar "Halo Energy" brand. Glad to inspire this trend. 

Halo Energy undertook a marketing communications campaign in association with Euromoney PLC for the "Renewable Energy Finance Forum". We generated strong coverage in international business media, such as the Financial Times, Bloomberg, Dow Jones and Reuters, for this London based global forum. Halo assists with strategic communications to face out nuclear power.  

Deutschland puscht sein fossiles Industriemodel, so auch seine altmodische Autokarossen Exportflut seit Jahrzehnten in jeden Winkel der Erde. Das auch mit rechtsfreien Energien der Fossil-Lobby, die smarte Technologien blockiert. So hat auch der VDA e.V. mit rabiaten Methoden das erste internationale "Efficient Mobility" Industrieforum aus der Hannover Messe heraus gemobbt. Obwohl, oder besser weil, auf der "CLEAN MOVES EXPO" von 2005 - 2009 bereits Marktreife Efficient Mobility Technologien unter der Schirmherrschaft von SPD und FDP Wirtschafts- und Umweltministern mit tausenden Fachbesuchern zu sehen waren. 

Das erste internationale Forum für die gesamte Bandbreite energieeffizienter Mobilität. Technologische Zeitenwende: der Wettstreit geht quer durch die Branchen. Aber auf dem unabhängigen Forum tauschten sie Know-how über bereits marktfähige Lösungen aus. Als Attraktion und Herzstück gilt das Konferenz-Forum zu Erneuerbarer Mobilität. ZDF nano-Magazin - CLEAN MOVES Report

Life is change. Keep moving. Whatever you do, do it with passion.

Ralph Thomas Kappler / Tomaš Kappa 


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